This page is created as a a quick cheat sheet for my work, Please refer to the original HL7 standards for most up to date and accurate information.  Source HL7 V2+

Message delimiters

DelimiterSuggested ValueEncoding Character PositionUsage
Segment Terminator<cr>Terminates a segment record.
Field Separator|Separates two adjacent data fields within a segment.
Component Separator^1Separates adjacent components of data fields where allowed.
Repetition Separator~2Separates multiple occurrences of a field where allowed.
Escape Character\3Escape character for use with any field, component, or sub-component.
Subcomponent Separator&4Separates adjacent subcomponents of data fields where allowed.

HL7 Table 0076 – Message Type

Message TypeDescription
ACKGeneral acknowledgment message
ADTADT message
BARAdd/change billing account
BPSBlood product dispense status message
BRPBlood product dispense status acknowledgement message
BRTBlood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgement message
BTSBlood product transfusion/disposition message
CCFCollaborative Care Fetch
CCICollaborative Care Information
CCMCollaborative Care Message
CCQCollaborative Care Referral
CCUCollaborative Care Referral
CQUCollaborative Care Referral
CRMClinical study registration message
CSUUnsolicited study data message
DBCCreate Donor Record
DBUUpdate Donor Record
DELDonor Eligibility
DEODonor Eligibility Observation
DERDonor Eligibility Request
DFTDetail financial transactions
DPRDonation Procedure
DRCDonor Request to Collect
EACAutomated equipment command message
EANAutomated equipment notification message
EARAutomated equipment response message
EHCHealth Care Invoice
ESRAutomated equipment status update acknowledgment message
ESUAutomated equipment status update message
INRAutomated equipment inventory request message
INUAutomated equipment inventory update message
LSRAutomated equipment log/service request message
LSUAutomated equipment log/service update message
MDMMedical document management
MFKMaster files application acknowledgment
MFNMaster files notification
NMDApplication management data message
OMBBlood product order message
OMDDietary order
OMGGeneral clinical order message
OMIImaging order
OMLLaboratory order message
OMNNon-stock requisition order message
OMPPharmacy/treatment order message
OMQGeneral order message with document payload
OMSStock requisition order message
OPLPopulation/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message
OPRPopulation/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message
OPUUnsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message
ORAObservation Report Acknowledgment
ORBBlood product order acknowledgement message
ORDDietary order acknowledgment message
ORGGeneral clinical order acknowledgment message
ORIImaging order acknowledgement message
ORLLaboratory acknowledgment message (unsolicited)
ORNNon-stock requisition – General order acknowledgment message
ORPPharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment message
ORSStock requisition – Order acknowledgment message
ORUUnsolicited transmission of an observation message
ORXGeneral Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement
OSMSpecimen Shipment Message
OSUOrder status update
OULUnsolicited laboratory observation message
PEXProduct experience message
PGLPatient goal message
PINPatient insurance information
PMUAdd personnel record
PPGPatient pathway message (goal-oriented)
PPPPatient pathway message (problem-oriented)
PPRPatient problem message
QBPQuery by parameter
QCNCancel query
QRYQuery, original mode
QSBCreate subscription
QSXCancel subscription/acknowledge message
QVRQuery for previous events
RASPharmacy/treatment administration message
RCIReturn clinical information
RCLReturn clinical list
RDEPharmacy/treatment encoded order message
RDRPharmacy/treatment dispense information
RDSPharmacy/treatment dispense message
RDYDisplay based response
REFPatient referral
RGVPharmacy/treatment give message
RPAReturn patient authorization
RPIReturn patient information
RPLReturn patient display list
RPRReturn patient list
RQARequest patient authorization
RQCRequest clinical information
RQIRequest patient information
RQPRequest patient demographics
RRAPharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment message
RRDPharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment message
RREPharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment message
RRGPharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment message
RRIReturn referral information
RSPSegment pattern response
RTBTabular response
SCNNotification of Anti-Microbial Device Cycle Data
SDNNotification of Anti-Microbial Device Data
SDRSterilization anti-microbial device data request
SIUSchedule information unsolicited
SLNNotification of New Sterilization Lot
SLRSterilization lot request
SMDSterilization anti-microbial device cycle data request
SRMSchedule request message
SRRScheduled request response
SSRSpecimen status request message
SSUSpecimen status update message
STCNotification of Sterilization Configuration
STISterilization item request
TCRAutomated equipment test code settings request message
TCUAutomated equipment test code settings update message
UDMUnsolicited display update message
VXUUnsolicited vaccination record update

HL7 Table 0003  Event Type

Event TypeDescription
A01ADT/ACK – Admit/visit notification
A02ADT/ACK – Transfer a patient
A03ADT/ACK – Discharge/end visit
A04ADT/ACK – Register a patient
A05ADT/ACK – Pre-admit a patient
A06ADT/ACK – Change an outpatient to an inpatient
A07ADT/ACK – Change an inpatient to an outpatient
A08ADT/ACK – Update patient information
A09ADT/ACK – Patient departing – tracking
A10ADT/ACK – Patient arriving – tracking
A11ADT/ACK – Cancel admit/visit notification
A12ADT/ACK – Cancel transfer
A13ADT/ACK – Cancel discharge/end visit
A14ADT/ACK – Pending admit
A15ADT/ACK – Pending transfer
A16ADT/ACK – Pending discharge
A17ADT/ACK – Swap patients
A20ADT/ACK – Bed status update
A21ADT/ACK – Patient goes on a “leave of absence”
A22ADT/ACK – Patient returns from a “leave of absence”
A23ADT/ACK – Delete a patient record
A24ADT/ACK – Link patient information
A25ADT/ACK – Cancel pending discharge
A26ADT/ACK – Cancel pending transfer
A27ADT/ACK – Cancel pending admit
A28ADT/ACK – Add person information
A29ADT/ACK – Delete person information
A31ADT/ACK – Update person information
A32ADT/ACK – Cancel patient arriving – tracking
A33ADT/ACK – Cancel patient departing – tracking
A37ADT/ACK – Unlink patient information
A38ADT/ACK – Cancel pre-admit
A40ADT/ACK – Merge patient – patient identifier list
A41ADT/ACK – Merge account – patient account number
A42ADT/ACK – Merge visit – visit number
A43ADT/ACK – Move patient information – patient identifier list
A44ADT/ACK – Move account information – patient account number
A45ADT/ACK – Move visit information – visit number
A47ADT/ACK – Change patient identifier list
A49ADT/ACK – Change patient account number
A50ADT/ACK – Change visit number
A51ADT/ACK – Change alternate visit ID
A52ADT/ACK – Cancel leave of absence for a patient
A53ADT/ACK – Cancel patient returns from a leave of absence
A54ADT/ACK – Change attending doctor
A55ADT/ACK – Cancel change attending doctor
A60ADT/ACK – Update allergy information
A61ADT/ACK – Change consulting doctor
A62ADT/ACK – Cancel change consulting doctor
B01PMU/ACK – Add personnel record
B02PMU/ACK – Update personnel record
B03PMU/ACK – Delete personnel re cord
B04PMU/ACK – Active practicing person
B05PMU/ACK – Deactivate practicing person
B06PMU/ACK – Terminate practicing person
B07PMU/ACK – Grant Certificate/Permission
B08PMU/ACK – Revoke Certificate/Permission
C01CRM – Register a patient on a clinical trial
C02CRM – Cancel a patient registration on clinical trial (for clerical mistakes only)
C03CRM – Correct/update registration information
C04CRM – Patient has gone off a clinical trial
C05CRM – Patient enters phase of clinical trial
C06CRM – Cancel patient entering a phase (clerical mistake)
C07CRM – Correct/update phase information
C08CRM – Patient has gone off phase of clinical trial
C09CSU – Automated time intervals for reporting, like monthly
C10CSU – Patient completes the clinical trial
C11CSU – Patient completes a phase of the clinical trial
C12CSU – Update/correction of patient order/result information
CNQCancel Query
E01Submit HealthCare Services Invoice
E02Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice
E03HealthCare Services Invoice Status
E04Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request
E10Edit/Adjudication Results
E12Request Additional Information
E13Additional Information Response
E15Payment/Remittance Advice
E20Submit Authorization Request
E21Cancel Authorization Request
E22Authorization Request Status
E24Authorization Response
E30Submit Health Document related to Authorization Request
E31Cancel Health Document related to Authorization Request
I01RQI/RPI – Request for insurance information
I02RQI/RPL – Request/receipt of patient selection display list
I03RQI/RPR – Request/receipt of patient selection list
I04RQD/RPI – Request for patient demographic data
I07PIN/ACK – Unsolicited insurance information
I08RQA/RPA – Request for treatment authorization information
I09RQA/RPA – Request for modification to an authorization
I10RQA/RPA – Request for resubmission of an authorization
I11RQA/RPA – Request for cancellation of an authorization
I12REF/RRI – Patient referral
I13REF/RRI – Modify patient referral
I14REF/RRI – Cancel patient referral
I15REF/RRI – Request patient referral status
I16Collaborative Care Referral
I19Collaborative Care Query/Collaborative Care Query Update
I20Asynchronous Collaborative Care Update
I21Collaborative Care Message
I22Collaborative Care Fetch / Collaborative Care Information
J01QCN/ACK – Cancel query/acknowledge message
J02QSX/ACK – Cancel subscription/acknowledge message
K11RSP – Segment pattern response in response to QBP^Q11
K13RTB – Tabular response in response to QBP^Q13
K15RDY – Display response in response to QBP^Q15
K21RSP – Get person demographics response
K22RSP – Find candidates response
K23RSP – Get corresponding identifiers response
K24RSP – Allocate identifiers response
K25RSP – Personnel Information by Segment Response
K31RSP -Dispense History Response
K32Find Candidates including Visit Information Response
K33Get Donor Record Candidates Response Message
K34Segment Pattern Response Message
M02MFN/MFK – Master file – staff practitioner
M04MFN/MFK – Master files charge description
M05MFN/MFK – Patient location master file
M06MFN/MFK – Clinical study with phases and schedules master file
M07MFN/MFK – Clinical study without phases but with schedules master file
M08MFN/MFK – Test/observation (numeric) master file
M09MFN/MFK – Test/observation (categorical) master file
M10MFN/MFK – Test /observation batteries master file
M11MFN/MFK – Test/calculated observations master file
M12MFN/MFK – Master file notification message
M13MFN/MFK – Master file notification – general
M14MFN/MFK – Master file notification – site defined
M15MFN/MFK – Inventory item master file notification
M16MFN/MFK – Master File Notification Inventory Item Enhanced
M17DRG Master File Message
M18MFN/MFK – Master file notification – Test/Observation (Payer)
N02NMD/ACK – Application management data message (unsolicited)
O03OMD – Diet order
O04ORD – Diet order acknowledgment
O05OMS – Stock requisition order
O06ORS – Stock requisition acknowledgment
O07OMN – Non-stock requisition order
O08ORN – Non-stock requisition acknowledgment
O09OMP – Pharmacy/treatment order
O10ORP – Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment
O11RDE – Pharmacy/treatment encoded order
O12RRE – Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment
O13RDS – Pharmacy/treatment dispense
O14RRD – Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment
O15RGV – Pharmacy/treatment give
O16RRG – Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment
O17RAS – Pharmacy/treatment administration
O18RRA – Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment
O19OMG – General clinical order
O20ORG/ORL – General clinical order response
O21OML – Laboratory order
O22ORL – General laboratory order response message to any OML
O23OMI – Imaging order
O24ORI – Imaging order response message to any OMI
O25RDE – Pharmacy/treatment refill authorization request
O26RRE – Pharmacy/Treatment Refill Authorization Acknowledgement
O27OMB – Blood product order
O28ORB – Blood product order acknowledgment
O29BPS – Blood product dispense status
O30BRP – Blood product dispense status acknowledgment
O31BTS – Blood product transfusion/disposition
O32BRT – Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgment
O33OML – Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single specimen
O34ORL – Laboratory order response message to a multiple order related to single specimen OML
O35OML – Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single container of a specimen
O36ORL – Laboratory order response message to a single container of a specimen OML
O37OPL – Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message
O38OPR – Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message
O39Specimen shipment centric laboratory order
O40Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message
O41DBC – Create Donor Record Message
O42DBU – Update Donor Record Message
O43General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message
O44Donor Registration – Minimal Message
O45Donor Eligibility Observations Message
O46Donor Eligiblity Message
O47Donor Request to Collect Message
O48Donation Procedure Message
O49Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense Request Message
O50Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order Acknowledgment
O51OSU – Order Status Update
O52OSU – Order Status Update Acknowledgement
O53ORL – General Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional)
O54ORL – Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Specimen (Patient Optional)
O55ORL – Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Container of Specimen (Patient Optional)
O56ORL – Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional)
O57OMQ- General Order Message with Document Payload
O58ORX – General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message
O59OML – Laboratory order for additional work up
P01BAR/ACK – Add patient accounts
P02BAR/ACK – Purge patient accounts
P03DFT/ACK – Post detail financial transaction
P05BAR/ACK – Update account
P06BAR/ACK – End account
P07PEX – Unsolicited initial individual product experience report
P08PEX – Unsolicited update individual product experience report
P10BAR/ACK -Transmit Ambulatory Payment Classification(APC)
P11DFT/ACK – Post Detail Financial Transactions – New
P12BAR/ACK – Update Diagnosis/Procedure
PC1PPR – PC/ problem add
PC2PPR – PC/ problem update
PC3PPR – PC/ problem delete
PC6PGL – PC/ goal add
PC7PGL – PC/ goal update
PC8PGL – PC/ goal delete
PCBPPP – PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) add
PCCPPP – PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) update
PCDPPP – PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) delete
PCGPPG – PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) add
PCHPPG – PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) update
PCJPPG – PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) delete
Q05UDM/ACK – Unsolicited display update message
Q11QBP – Query by parameter requesting an RSP segment pattern response
Q13QBP – Query by parameter requesting an RTB – tabular response
Q15QBP – Query by parameter requesting an RDY display response
Q16QSB – Create subscription
Q17QVR – Query for previous events
Q21QBP – Get person demographics
Q22QBP – Find candidates
Q23QBP – Get corresponding identifiers
Q24QBP – Allocate identifiers
Q25QBP – Personnel Information by Segment Query
Q31QBP Query Dispense history
Q32Find Candidates including Visit Information
Q33QBP – Get Donor Record Candidates
Q34QBP – Get Donor Record
R01ORU/ACK – Unsolicited transmission of an observation message
R22OUL – Unsolicited Specimen Oriented Observation Message
R23OUL – Unsolicited Specimen Container Oriented Observation Message
R24OUL – Unsolicited Order Oriented Observation Message
R25OPU – Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message
R26OSM – Unsolicited Specimen Shipment Manifest Message
R30ORU – Unsolicited Point-Of-Care Observation Message Without Existing Order – Place An Order
R31ORU – Unsolicited New Point-Of-Care Observation Message – Search For An Order
R32ORU – Unsolicited Pre-Ordered Point-Of-Care Observation
R33ORA – Observation Report Acknowledgement
R40ORU – Unsolicited Report Alarm
R41Observation Report Alert Acknowledgement
R42ORU – Unsolicited Device Event Observation Message
R43ORU – Unsolicited Patient-Device Association Observation Message
S01SRM/SRR – Request new appointment booking
S02SRM/SRR – Request appointment rescheduling
S03SRM/SRR – Request appointment modification
S04SRM/SRR – Request appointment cancellation
S05SRM/SRR – Request appointment discontinuation
S06SRM/SRR – Request appointment deletion
S07SRM/SRR – Request addition of service/resource on appointment
S08SRM/SRR – Request modification of service/resource on appointment
S09SRM/SRR – Request cancellation of service/resource on appointment
S10SRM/SRR – Request discontinuation of service/resource on appointment
S11SRM/SRR – Request deletion of service/resource on appointment
S12SIU/ACK – Notification of new appointment booking
S13SIU/ACK – Notification of appointment rescheduling
S14SIU/ACK – Notification of appointment modification
S15SIU/ACK – Notification of appointment cancellation
S16SIU/ACK – Notification of appointment discontinuation
S17SIU/ACK – Notification of appointment deletion
S18SIU/ACK – Notification of addition of service/resource on appointment
S19SIU/ACK – Notification of modification of service/resource on appointment
S20SIU/ACK – Notification of cancellation of service/resource on appointment
S21SIU/ACK – Notification of discontinuation of service/resource on appointment
S22SIU/ACK – Notification of deletion of service/resource on appointment
S23SIU/ACK – Notification of blocked schedule time slot(s)
S24SIU/ACK – Notification of opened (“unblocked”) schedule time slot(s)
S26SIU/ACK Notification that patient did not show up for schedule appointment
S27SIU/ACK – Broadcast Notification of Scheduled Appointments
S28SLR/SLS – Request new sterilization lot
S29SLR/SLS – Request Sterilization lot deletion
S30STI/STS – Request item
S31SDR/SDS – Request anti-microbial device data
S32SMD/SMS – Request anti-microbial device cycle data
S33STC/ACK – Notification of sterilization configuration
S34SLN/ACK – Notification of sterilization lot
S35SLN/ACK – Notification of sterilization lot deletion
S36SDN/ACK – Notification of anti-microbial device data
S37SCN/ACK – Notification of anti-microbial device cycle data
T01MDM/ACK – Original document notification
T02MDM/ACK – Original document notification and content
T03MDM/ACK – Document status change notification
T04MDM/ACK – Document status change notification and content
T05MDM/ACK – Document addendum notification
T06MDM/ACK – Document addendum notification and content
T07MDM/ACK – Document edit notification
T08MDM/ACK – Document edit notification and content
T09MDM/ACK – Document replacement notification
T10MDM/ACK – Document replacement notification and content
T11MDM/ACK – Document cancel notification
U01ESU/ACK – Automated equipment status update
U02ESR/ACK – Automated equipment status request
U03SSU/ACK – Specimen status update
U04SSR/ACK – specimen status request
U05INU/ACK – Automated equipment inventory update
U06INR/ACK – Automated equipment inventory request
U07EAC/ACK – Automated equipment command
U08EAR/ACK – Automated equipment response
U09EAN/ACK – Automated equipment notification
U10TCU/ACK – Automated equipment test code settings update
U11TCR/ACK – Automated equipment test code settings request
U12LSU/ACK – Automated equipment log/service update
U13LSR/ACK – Automated equipment log/service request
U14INR/ACK – Automated Equipment Inventory Request
V04VXU – Unsolicited vaccination record update
VariesMFQ/MFR – Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 – location)

Data Types

Message Structure

Segment Definitions